This website talks about change. Our team wants to persuade our personal views about this relevant social issue. We want a social change in stopping the uncontrollably rising of climate in our planet that could soon possibly destroy Earth. We, the associate of this website, we call ourselves the Planet Defenders.
We preach, we spread, and we inform the netizens for change to halt climate change.
To disseminate information about climate change, in which we raise awareness about the uncontrollable catastrophe.
To influence the netizens for change and be a role model of change to effectively create a community that is full of aspired PlanetAllies seeking for the recovery of our planet.
To promote this issue using social media platforms that are relevant nowadays to spread information efficiently.
PlanetBlanket envisions to create a dependent and strong community that supports to halt climate change. Promoting for social change using online platforms to influence the people on the internet to effectively achieve our main objective and to make our website more efficient.